You can add one more thing to the big list of things I don’t like doing:
(no I’m not proud)
I am not much for swimming. I mean, the idea of swimming to me is when I am lying out beside the pool with an ipod, a good book and a giant beverage, and the heat becomes unbearable that I have to go into the water to cool off. But then, you know, you are dry in 18 seconds. I am not much for being out in the rain…no matter how bloody sexy that scene in The Notebook was. Hell, I don’t even like taking showers…they would be far more enjoyable if you could somehow get clean without having to get wet. (oh relax, just because I don’t like it doesn’t mean I don’t do it…)
So, of course, it’s just my luck that my very best friends have both a pool AND a cottage (huzzah! so many opportunities to get wet!)
the American in me thinks a cottage is this:
little shack in the woods…inhabited by the likes of, oh, snow white and some dwarves, woodland creatures, goldilocks and some bears, little red riding hood’s grandma…you know, that old chestnut.
The Canadian in me, however, knows that a cottage is a lot more like this:
but honestly, I usually prefer to spend my weekends at neither of these cottage options. oh no, I – the mother of three small children and a puppy – am simply not a cottage person.
(I have mentioned this before, pretty much at the start of the summer when the cottage invites start coming in and I pretty much decline
Besides that whole lake-equals-having-to-get-wet deal, to me, going to the cottage with my chidren seems like just so much work…having to plan meals in advance, having to schlep everything up there, having to deal with kids who just don’t sleep well away from home, having to learn to make coffee instead of running out to Tim Horton’s, having to make rainy day plans (and really, there are only so many games of monopoly you can play before someone gets pissy and turns the board over)(not that I’ve ever done this)(ahem), THE SAND, the stickiness, the bugs, THE SAND.
No, not exactly for me.
I AM – WILLINGLY – GOING TO THE COTTAGE THIS WEEKEND. I’m even looking forward to it. I’m even a little bit excited about it.
and that, friends, is what they call progress.
as long as they don’t force me to get wet. because then the gloves come off.
I have finally picked a winner for the Will Dailey cd…
so, congrats to Miss Moose!! I will email you soon!