Emily, 2nd grader, actress/singer, the Jonas brothers biggest fan, lip gloss expert: Mom, what’s a BJ?
Me, choking on my dinner: a WHAT? where did you hear that???
Emily: this boy at school.
Me: oh. em. gee. what did he say?
Emily: he asked if me and Adam did BJ. or something.
Isabella, nursery schooler, awesome color-in-the-lines’er, Enchanted fan, yo gabba gabba enthusiast: Do you mean DJ Lance Rock?
Emily: No, Isabella, you are so dumb. He said BJ!
Me: Who is this boy? Where did he come from? What is his name? Is he in your class? Does he listen to the edge? Does he need his mouth washed out with lifebuoy soap?
Josh, 1st grader, DS addict, hockey player, chicken wing fan: HAHAHAHAHA *giggle* HAHAHAHAHA *giggle*
Me: What’s so funny?
Josh: Emily, you are so stupid. He didn’t say BJ. He said BG. and everyone knows *that* means boyfriend/girlfriend. HAHAHA. Emily has a boyfriend! Emily has a boyfriend! Emily has a boyfriend! Emily has a boyfriend!
Me: Enough!! oh, look! a bird! let’s have pie!
and as I stuff my face with pie and cookies and cake and ice cream, I will stare at this picture, circa August 2005…
…and know that my babies are GONE. why didn’t I stuff them in little boxes when I had the chance? I am so not ready for my children to know what actual BJs are; hell, I’m not even ready for them to know what BGs are….