Monthly Archives: March 2009

cash only

so, i had a lunch date yesterday with two very important people, which, really is somewhat monumental because I never go out for lunch during the day. EVER. i really rarely leave my desk and teenytinycubicle at work…only for meetings and for peeing.  and if you’ve ever read any of…

the heart truth and some senses goodness?

thankfully for all of those involved, i didn’t have to attend The Heart Truth Fashion show in the buff. i did, however, have to sweat my way through an annoying clusterfuck to prove to them that YES! I AM ON YOUR LIST! and i wasn’t some imposter trying to pose…

sharkgirl is a thing of the past, mall cops, and dress ali: the fashion week edition

because i really have awesome parenting skillz, coupled with the fact that i was so sick of looking at Emily’s scary snaggletoothed sharkface (and i mean that in the most endearing of ways), added to the fact that her dentist told her it needed to come out…i gave her a…