Monthly Archives: November 2008

Miss Truvy, I promise that my personal tragedy will not interfere with my ability to do good hair. again.

“mommy, you look beautiful” Josh says this – completely unprompted – when i walked in the door post every-3-months visit to Jasmine the hair guru. ah, sons. they certainly know the way to your heart, don’t they? now if only he would get his stinkin’ bakugans out of my purse……

THE moms

good morning! have a latte on me was what the note sitting on top of the Starbucks card sitting on top of my van’s driver’s seat read. sometimes it’s just the little things. so, while i enjoy my grande nonfat latte on the husband, i thought i could talk to…

happiness is some krispy kremes, music, change, and jeans..oh, and a warm gun (heh)

i spent the better half of yesterday in Canada Crown Copyright hell. who knew that a thumbnail image of Canada’s coat of arms to use in an educational book was going to be such a problem? sheesh. but then i came home. and i really haven’t stopped smiling. …my old…