Monthly Archives: October 2008


obviously, if you ever read this site, you know that there are copious amounts of things i find disturbing. like men in brown cords farting on me on the subway. and videos of anteaters who can’t get it up. and wet cat food. and the size of the transformer for…

um, yeah, this is a post about nothing. hey, at least i warned you

so…i’m trying to make the switch from Tim Horton’s coffee in the morning to McDonald’s. About a year or so ago, i made the switch from Starbucks to Tim’s, mostly to save money. i was spending upwards of $4 every morning for a latte, because Starbucks actual coffee totally blows….

Marcia Marcia Marcia

so, yesterday i went to see my best friend the tailor. yes, the one who buys me chocolate bars. to, again, get MORE pants shortened. (ps. it would be swell to foronceinmylife actually walk into a store, buy a pair of pants and wear them without having to get them…