obviously, if you ever read this site, you know that there are copious amounts of things i find disturbing. like men in brown cords farting on me on the subway. and videos of anteaters who can’t get it up. and wet cat food. and the size of the transformer for my Chinese treadmill. so, of course, today will be no exception. i’m just trying to figure out what’s more disturbing…
what’s disturbing about a package of Cascadian Farms broccoli you ask??? well, i urge you to look a little bit closer.
are you seeing them now?
why, yes! eureka! those would, in fact, be happy green smiling bodyless FACES you are looking at.
or this…
oh yes. that would be GEORGE HW BUSH in there at 74%
so, no, mamatulip, you shouldn’t feel as bad anymore that this site told you that you looked like Elton John and Michael fucking Jackson. because i’ve got George Bush.
which, ps, is also funny because people tell me ALL THE DAMN TIME that my son Josh looks just like this dude…
hmm..so..which is MORE disturbing??!?!?
and speaking of disturbing, i have a question for you. what’s your opinion on the drop-in? or pop in? as in, just knocking on someone’s door unannounced?
because last night we had visitors (who we adore. seriously) at almost 10pm. there was a knock at our door. and then our house phone rang. and then the husband’s cell phone. and then the house phone again. and then the doorbell rang. and then my nanny answered the door.
now, personally, i would NEVER go over to anyone’s house at 10 at night without some proper forewarning. i mean, what if, let’s just say, for the sake of saying, that a husband and a wife are, um, otherwise, um, occupied??!?!?! and by occupied, i don’t mean watching the newest episode of True Blood. which, hello! AWESOME.
am i off the mark here? is there a proper etiquette for this sort of thing? tell me if i’m wrong. please. because i’m the kind of person who will send a text message over picking up the phone because i don’t like to put people out.