Monthly Archives: August 2008


i’m fairly certain i am going to become a professional photographer. you know, that is, once i’ve learned to take my camera off of auto. and actually, erm, learn how to use it. and once i’ve actually gotten my own SLR…since right now i’m only borrowing‘s. but this is…


some things get to be just yours. some secrets. some issues. they get to be buried and hidden and ignored. or they get to be complained about. until you have a daughter. and then you have another. and then your disordered eating and your disordered view of your body doesn’t…

Come and party with me. there will be beer slurpees. maybe.

well, there were mixed reviews of the beer slurpee. some were all “hells yeah! sign me up, yo!”. others were all “what the hell is wrong with you, Ali?! i mean, DUDE! come on!” so, there may or may not be beer slurpees at my dinner party. so…you may or…