i’m fairly certain i am going to become a professional photographer.
you know, that is, once i’ve learned to take my camera off of auto. and actually, erm, learn how to use it. and once i’ve actually gotten my own SLR…since right now i’m only borrowing urbanmoms.ca‘s.
but this is where it’s at. trust me.
i took the kids for professional shots yesterday. i take them to Loblaws (local supermarket) for their $6.95 special all the time. they are cheap, close, easy, you get the pictures the next day, and if you get them in sepia, they are pretty darn nice for $7.
but when each child turned 1, we went to see our friend Frank at Here’s My Baby. and he captured them in a way that the 16-year-old supermarket photographers just can’t. Exactly how they are. and don’t even get me started on the headswap he did for us so we got the perfect shot of the three kids together. amazing, i tell you.
we thought it was time to see Frank again. since the last time we took the kids, Isabella had NO hair. seriously, none. we are talking cue-ball bald. and now she’s got this lovely little head of curls.
this was me, before Frank took over, with my point-and-shoot, attempting to get them all in a shot.
see how well THAT worked out for me??!??!
Frank took over and took them outside. and tried.
he tried his best with Emily, the supermodel. Emily thinks she’s a professional model and POSES. Tyra Banks would love her.
he tried his best with Josh, the basketcase. Josh got goofy about 30 seconds into the shoot, and had a full-on attack of crazy when Frank used the “f” word…FART and the “s” word…STINKY. Josh was pointing and playing with his hair and goofing it up the entire time.
and he tried his best with Isabella, the sleeper. Bella was tired from the first minute. and pretty well wanted to be just about anywhere else but getting her picture taken. she wanted to chase butterflies and run away from bees and look at flowers and inspect the slugs.
but Frank said he got some great shots.
and i believe him.
because in two weeks i’ll get taken into a room and shown a slideshow of pictures of my children. and i will spend way more than i intended to because you just want.to.but.every.single.one.
oh, and why i’m going to become a professional photographer??
a 16×16?
costs $575**
yes. you read that right. five hundred and seventy five dollars.
(okay…i made a mistake. it’s $575 for the deluxe canvas version of the 16 x 16. the one i want, the regular old one…is only $375. but STILL)