Monthly Archives: February 2008

i feel like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day. only with more whine. and less groundhog.

Tomorrow is Family Day in Ontario. i’m sorry…what? Family Day? I was under the impression that Saturday and Sunday were family days. Days of jam-packed family time. of food shopping. and birthday parties.  and more birthday parties. and swimming lessons. and playdates. and skating lessons. or baking cookies. and reading…

how ali celebrates

We at casa de martell are not big on the valentine’s day. well, maybe it’s just ali who isn’t big on valentine’s day. (although i did get TWO free coffees yesterday. was it buy-a-wee-girl-a-coffee day…or was it in honor of v-day? + = happy Ali Some man at Tim Horton’s…

13 of the most un-buyable onscreen couples

it’s always about CHEMISTRY. always. movies and tv shows are supposed to make us believe that these relationships are real. Sometimes they work. think: Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal in When Harry Met Sally. perfect. or Captain Von Trapp and Maria in The Sound of Music. they are oozing with…