Monthly Archives: April 2007

Lost in Translation

seems to be quite the week for language and speech trouble…especially on America’s Next Top Model. Renee seems to be the only one who can carry on a semi-intelligent conversation…but no one wants to, since she’s proving herself to be the world’s largest bitch. Jael speaks (well, spoke, since Tyra kicked her…

13 of the hottest men on tv right now

…and it’s back! the thursday thirteen! i know you’ve missed it. This week was a tough one for me because when it comes to men on tv, i’m all over the place. i’m not the typical Wentworth Miller or Josh Holloway fan. i like the ones who look like boys…

true ali confessions

have you seen this site?? go on, get. i’ll wait. hum de dum. it’s kind of a little bit postsecret, a little bit her bad mother’s basement it’s fantastic. i even left a little confession on it. shh. don’t tell. i figured i’d share some wife confessions of my…