have you seen this site?? go on, get. i’ll wait. hum de dum. it’s kind of a little bit postsecret, a little bit her bad mother’s basement
it’s fantastic. i even left a little confession on it. shh. don’t tell.
i figured i’d share some wife confessions of my own..at least the ones i’m willing to share.
i don’t think all babies are cute. in fact, i think most babies and children are entirely uncute. some of my friends’ children included.
i’m a slob.
i lie to my kids about food that i’m eating….that’s it’s “diet” or it’s “spicy”…so i won’t have to share with them. i’m not a good sharer. and once a child has slobbered on something, i can’t continue eating it.
i sometimes sit on the toilet longer than i need to just to get a little break from the whining.
i didn’t enjoy breastfeeing at all. not even for one minute. but i did it for 6 months with each of my children because that’s what i was told was best for them.
i let my kids eat boxed macaroni and cheese and hot dogs. but not at the same time 🙂
sometimes the love i have for my children hits me so hard that i start to cry. and it scares me that something like the Virginia Tech massacre could happen to them. i want to stick ’em in John Travolta’s plastic bubble and shield them forever.
what about you? any true mom…or dad confessions to share???