Monthly Archives: April 2007

she’s quite the talent, don’t you think??

well, well, well… after buying one of these: and one of these: guess where the child decided to drop her load??? on. my. floor. i’m so proud, let me tell you. (edit: since discovering that the Dora pot includes stickers to give as rewards…we’ve had two successful pees in the…

flipped turned upside-down

strange things are afoot at the martells. exhibit a. ali is in bed, asleep at 8pm on a sunday night, missing both of her favorite shows, Sopranos and Entourage. never happens. ever. yesterday, my day started at 9 am, when the husband went to pick up my new nanny Michelle….

there’s a new hero in town

and it sure as hell ain’t him: (oh, heroes, how i’ve missed you. i think shows should not be allowed to go on hiatus. it’s just not fair to devoted fans.) no, friends, the hero in question is this: i’m fairly certain i’ve discussed that the husband is an Xbox…