Monthly Archives: December 2006

this is most definitely in the lead…

…for best present yet. thanks Auntie Sharon and Uncle David!! my ipod is working again. it’s a christmas miracle.

Save the ipod, save the world

i bought my ipod on ebay. yes, yes, i knew the risks. but $100 for 20gb was too hard to pass up. My ipod arrived, in pretty great condition. it looked brand new, save for a few scratches on the screen and a shitload of crappy music. one day, after…

“Are you going to kiss Daddy under the nippletoe?”

No, this isn’t a joke. My 5-year-old DID, in fact, ask me this question yesterday. The laughter was uncontrollable. So, I was tagged by Beth over at Thoughts Arrive Like Butterflies. And since I love me some midwestern girls, I cannot say no. And since I also love to take things up a notch…