Monthly Archives: November 2006


winter is definitely here. this morning i wore my mitts. and i had to sit in my car and wait for the defrost to kick in so i could actually see out of the windows. some of the radio stations have already gone into Christmas music mode  (which, i’ll admit,…

South Beach is kicking my ass

i have received many an email from readers and many a phone call from friends (yes! i have friends!) asking me why i’m doing this diet. “but you’re so skinny/slim/small/wee (insert what you will here), you don’t need to go on a diet.” i figured i may as well take…

productivity at its finest

Joshua: Daddy, can we go cowtipping? Daddy: Sure, Josh, right after we put on our overalls and shuck the corn. yeehaw. So, last night my plan was to be all productive-like. to finish a blanket i was working on to catch up on all the shows i’ve missed this week…