Monthly Archives: November 2004


On Saturday night, my husband took me out for a surprise date. Knowing how little I like surprises (and being out of control), he took great pleasure in NOT telling me where we were going. He said it was voted the 6th most romantic places in Toronto. Now…I’m wondering why…


okay…granted i have long hair…and yes, i am short. but, i do NOT look like this. This random woman comes up to me last night, with her mother, and goes absolutely nutty on me ranting on and on, “Has anyone ever told you that you look exactly like Stacy from…

Gym Spotting…

spotted at the gym yesterday… ~James Cameron ~Kevin Federline ~Danny Glover ~Simon Cowell ~2 boys from b4-4….although now that i think about it, it may actually have been two of the boys from b4-4….we share a dry cleaner…why couldn’t we share a gym??? all in all…not the best looking day…