Sometimes I almost feel guilty when I shout super happy thoughts from the rooftops on Twitter. Almost. It’s so easy to turn to Twitter and Facebook when things are ridiculous—because let’s be honest, I have now stepped on dead birds, uh, twice. Ridiculous things seem to find me, it’s beyond…
I was scrolling through my Facebook feed and just past the awesome shared videos, photos, and annoying someecards, something caught my eye. It said —and I’m paraphrasing here, because through my weepy face it was a little bit hard to make out each and every word and sadly, who had…
I woke up super early this morning. It’s 0600. What’s the O stand for? “Oh my God, it’s early!” It was an effort to get some really good work in before I had to wake my kids to get ready for camp, because one they are up and we start the…