~~Phil and his eyebrow are back. 🙂
~~Kevin and Drew! Kevin and Drew! woohoo! how come no one except the last guy recognized them??? he should have won a prize. does this mean we’ll be seeing some old favorites?? Rob and Brennan anyone?
~~”Pennsylvania might be a state, I don’t know.”
~~I’m lovin’ the Linz family, puking and farting and all.
~~poor Mama Paolo. your entire family treats you like crap. how sad. but, then again, you did lose the freakin’ clue.
~~ “Do you know the Lord?†sure, he lives in a brownstone and loves to go shopping. i actually like Team Jesus, and freaked out a little when she got run over by the buggy.
~~is this all going to be North America?? i need Iceland, Africa, i need Americans speaking in English in horrible accents, i need weird food, and crazy airports.
~~the Schroeder dad is slightly creepy. and very uncool with the “I wish I had a handicap kid to push in the street” and “Small animals taste good!”
~~yeah, you’ll be looking for “the town of Soho,” for quite some time. the hell?
~~best line: “Sorry I couldn’t contribute.” “Get used to it, dork!” bwah!!