September 28 04

“The Word on the Street” is like toys r us for writers. On Sunday, Queen’s Park in Toronto was covered in Book publishers, magazines, and booksellers. I could have spent a week searching through all the books being sold at incredibly reduced prices. The only problem:

These two little monkeys, who, by the way, were more fascinated by their subway ride than by the event itself. They did not have the patience to allow me to push and shove my way up to all the booths to check out the bargains.

They did enjoy the live band, the tvo kids stage where their favorite morning host, Giselle (A woman who drives me and my husband so crazy that we are actually forced to leave the room when she begins her motion minute every day), did a live show. And, of course, they enjoyed the ice cream.

So, in the end, it turned out to be a really nice day for our family. We had a gorgeous September day – – – that felt a little more like July.

And, we did get to see Steve from the Barenaked Ladies. I can’t say that I’m the biggest fan (although I do enjoy their song, Lovers in a Dangerous Time), but a celebrity is a celebrity so naturally, I got me a picture.

I will definitely be back next year….with my wallet and without the kids.


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