While filling bag after bag at moseying around one of my most favorite candy stores, Suckers, I came across something wonderful. Skittles AND chocolate? I had NEVER seen these before, but I was less than surprised. Canada gets the shaft when it comes to prime candy and chocolate. THE SHAFT. Name me your favorite? chances are good we don’t have it.
So, of course, I bought it. (this is where you realized that I was NOT compensated for this review. It was all done in the name of chocolate and candy!)
I don’t know if you can see from the photo, but the five flavors are: S’mores, Vanilla, Chocolate Caramel, Chocolate Pudding, and Brownie Batter.
(now, granted, vanilla is NOT chocolate…but as a vanilla lover, I was willing to overlook this)
5 flavors. but when I poured the bag out…
I could only find, um, FOUR. Where was the chocolate pudding?
upon further investigation i realized that there was a slight difference between the two darkest colors…but the only way I could tell was by standing under the lights in my BATHROOM…and even then, honestly, I couldn’t really tell the difference.
and then I tried each flavor individually. and well, let’s just say I was SERIOUSLY underwhelmed. I was expecting something tootsie roll-ish – in both flavor and consistency. but in reality, the only real flavor I was getting was WAX.
the only decent flavor was the vanilla, and again, NOT exactly chocolate…and the worst flavor, by far, was the brownie batter. As a super huge fan of actual brownie batter, this didn’t even compare.
Bottom line? Skittles should stick to what they do best – tasting the rainbow of fruit flavors. They were totally NOT worth the calories.