well…I’m undeniably pregnant. A man even gave up his seat for me on the shuttle bus at the airport. Of course, because I don’t like special treatment like that, I refused the seat and stood uncomfortably for 20 minutes.
in Atlanta, a good friend of our family’s, Jeff Korotkin, who is also an Ob, gave us a 4D ultrasound. oh my goodness. it seriously was the most amazing thing in the entire world. and the first thing we said was that the little bunny looks just like our other two kids. so, unfortunately for the husband, he’s getting another carbon copy of his mother-in-law.
and, in case any of you are wondering, we know the sex. but we are NOT spilling the beans. so, don’t even try to get it out of us. And i dont’ remember if i blogged this story or not, but Aimee convinced me that it needed to be made public, even if it’s at my expense, i’ll share. my 4-year-old thinks that if the baby’s a boy, we should call him Jonah, because “Mommy’s as big as a whale.” yes…how right she is…
my dad is mailing us the photos, and I promise to have them up online as soon as they arrive.
I’ve sort of hit a plateau with my weight – holding steady at about 16-17 pounds. I can’t seem to put any on…probably because I can’t seem to eat anything for breakfast and lunch besides for pretzels and frappacinos…my porn star chest however, continues to grow. i had to buy new bras yesterday because i was overflowing in my 34D’s. yikes.