April 4 07

….what’s the “o” stand for? Oh my god, it’s early.

the kids have been staying up altogether too late (two passover seders will do that to you. and orthodox seders don’t start until late. like 8:30pm late). and getting up altogether too early. anything in the 5’s is completely unacceptable. we are tired. we are so tired, we don’t even know what to do with ourselves. our friends want to go see Blades of Glory, but i don’t think i can keep my head up for more than 10 minutes.

Every time we visit my mom, we go in with the same attitude. it’s going to be great! they are going to be so excited to see the kids! we aren’t going to fight! we are going to get a little break! we are going to go shopping! and every time we go, we are wrong. wrong. wrong. usually, by the end of the trip, we have convinced ourselves that we won’t ever do it again.

you see, my mom is excited to see the kids. for the first 5 minutes. and then she’s done. she’s tired. they are too whiny for her. she gives them the gifts she’s bought for them (clothing, mostly…which is not all that exciting for them, however) and then she retreats to her library and her room. or the kitchen, where she passive-agressively mumbles to herself about how we shouldn’t put our kids to bed so early and we should give them as much sugar as they want. sugar! sugar! it’s good for them! and spends zero time with them at all. yesterday afternoon, they disappeared. disappeared!! Their grandchildren are in town for the first time in six months and my mom and stepdad went upstairs to take naps. even though we are the ones who got up at 5 am. They stayed in bed until after 8. So, we bundled the kids up (it’s FREAKIN’ snowing here!) and took them for a 90 minute walk around the city. we could easily have done this at home. in Toronto. we didn’t need to come to Milwaukee for this.

there probably won’t be much shopping…since as of now…we have no vehicle tomorrow (even though my parents have THREE cars). my mom is working. my stepdad is working. my brother is following my parents orders. poor guy, he’s almost 22 and they still treat him like he’s 12. “Michael, it’s time to wake up!” “Michael, you know you really should say hi to that girl over there.”

i’m sorry for being so irritable. the matzo that’s plaguing my system certainly can’t be halping, either.

pray for me that the kids sleep past 5 tomorrow. pray. please.

  1. We have a rule we’ve tried instilling with our son. You can’t get up until one of the following happens:
    a) the sun is all the way up
    b) mom or dad is up
    c) you have to pee, poop or vomit

    I’m totally pulling for ya to sleep past 6!

    Comment by Fenicle on April 4, 2007
  2. i agree. five is NOT okay. i hate waking up at what i like to call “o-dark-thirty”.

    Comment by lara on April 4, 2007
  3. It’s snowing here too.

    Comment by Christine on April 4, 2007
  4. I feel for you with the early rising… it’s tough.

    And without getting into details, your mom sounds a bit too much like my MIL, seriously.

    Enjoy your trip, as much as is possible.

    Comment by SciFi Dad on April 4, 2007
  5. Oh boy…I think some therapy is definitely in order! 😉 The cheap kind, at least! Your mom’s a real character, isn’t she.

    I KNOW how you feel, too…I’m beyond tired.

    I have just the thing to make you feel better. Check the bottom of my post from today. 🙂

    Comment by Haley-O on April 5, 2007
  6. Crossing fingers and sending good long sleep vibes.

    Comment by Chris on April 5, 2007
  7. Yikes, your mother sounds like my mother-in-law. I hope things are better this morning.

    Comment by Rebecca on April 5, 2007
  8. It’s snowing here too, hon.

    Yes, anything in the 5’s is UNACCEPTABLE. Hope you guys get some sleep soon.

    Comment by mamatulip on April 5, 2007
  9. Yes, your Mom sounds VERY much like Mom. I just don’t get it! Do they REALLY want to spend time with them or only at their convenience? My Mom whines and complains that she doesn’t get to see the bunny enough and then she sleeps in (because she is tired–from WHAT? I don’t know) and she goes out shopping for *more* clothes for herself. Just don’t get it! I’m the one who should get to go out shopping by herself for much needed clothes without a toddler in tow….anyhow, I digress…this wasn’t about me….

    I hope things get better and that you get more sleep. Sleep is good!

    Comment by Multi-tasking Mommy on April 5, 2007
  10. Prayers would be coming too late, but I hope you DID get to sleep!! Get ye to a STARBUCKS quickly!
    Sorry about your mum and dad not being too interested … maybe when they all get home from work,you and hubby just sneak on out for a date! 🙂

    Comment by Sarah on April 5, 2007
  11. well i will pray for you that children sleep in till like 7.oh,i hate getting up that early (5).and also that the grand-parents spend more time enjoying their grand babies.(and haley what are you doing up at 1:16 in the a.m.?)go get some sleep.

    Comment by LAVENDULA on April 5, 2007
  12. Are you sure you didn’t go to MY parent’s house by mistake?

    Comment by Cristan on April 5, 2007
  13. If it helps, it’s snowing here too. And your parents sound suspiciously like a combination of my parents and mother in law. The best of both worlds.

    Happy Passover! (ha ha)

    Comment by Naomi (Urban Mummy) on April 5, 2007
  14. Good God woman, how are you surviving?

    Comment by Kristi on April 5, 2007
  15. Milwaukee? well that has to be just not as exciting as Toronto to begin with.
    While we dont have kids, its good to see that the way my mother acts with my nephews sometimes is not odd.
    heres hoping for 6 AM

    Comment by Sparky Duck on April 5, 2007
  16. I probably shouldn’t tell any of you that I slept until almost noon today.

    Comment by Kristi on April 5, 2007
  17. Okay, NOW, you’re it — for real. 😉

    Comment by Haley-O on April 6, 2007
  18. Not much Passover going on here in the Bible Belt…I thought I would play a joke on the chef at our club here in Fuquay Varina and tell him that my visiting friend Stacy (who says she’s fills my Long Island JAP quota) needed a Kosher meal. But he’s already having apoplexy dealing with the two vegans in the club!

    Getting up early sucks in general…I must imagine that getting up early in Milwaukee makes “sucks” redundant.

    It’s coldish here, but if I told you the temperature we consider coldish, you would throw something at me!

    Comment by Di on April 6, 2007
  19. Ephedra for sports….

    Ephedra near herb….

    Trackback by Wyoming ephedra attorney. on January 13, 2008

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