1. lose the rest of my baby weight. not eat any more cookies. they are my biggest weakness.
2. be nicer to my husband. he deserves it.
3. try to be more patient with the kids. and spend more quality time with the boy. i spend lots of alone time with the baby and with the girl…but i never do things just mommy and joshie.
4. try not to stress so much. try not to think “what if” as much as i do. which is a lot.
5. use the gym. on a regular basis.
6. go back to my book that i shelved when i went back to work.
7. try to be good about calling my friends. i’m so bad. i’m actually a little embarrassed about it.
8. get rid of the clutter and get completely organized.
9. read more. watch less tv.
10. work on all of my craft projects. not give up one for another.