anyone want to buy them???
my daughter has decided that while she nursing she’s going to play a little game. it’s called, “let’s see how much i can hurt mommy’s boobs.”
part one of this ever-so-enjoyable game: as she’s latching on, she grabs my nipple with all ten of her fingers. yes. this feels great, let me tell you. like daggers.
part two: when she’s finally on and nursing properly, after a game of latch on, latch off, laugh at mommy, latch on, latch off, laugh at mommy, etc., she digs her nails in my boob and then pulls. ouch.
part three: she bites down on my nipple and pulls, with her gums. now, i realize she doesn’t have teeth yet, and god, are you listening, i’m so thankful for that, but it still hurts like a motherfucker.
i’m afraid, my friends, that Isabella’s nursing days are numbered.
that playtex bottle is looking better and better to me….and i’m beginning to feel a whole hell of a lot less guilty about stopping…especially now that i fear the safety of breasts is is jeopardy.