March 24 06

Feast 86

How would you describe your personal comfort zone?

for me it’s my routines. as soon as things start going outside my normal routines…i get anxious. a good example? when my car was locked in the lot after seeing Hair…

What is your favorite tree?

Japanese cherry tree. by far, my favorite.

List 3 foods you’d like to include in your dinner plans for tonight.

since i already have dinner plans…i can tell you what we are having…chicken soup…ribs…salad….what would i LIKE to include? sushi…it’s always about the sushi…

Main Course
What is the best advice you’ve ever been given, but didn’t heed?

“worry about what is, not what might be” – i NEVER can do this. i try and try, but i can’t help it.

On a scale of 1-10 (10 being highest), how much attention do you feel comfortable receiving from others?

umm…7? i like attention…but too much makes me uncomfortable.

  1. Provigil….

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    Trackback by Provigil. on October 8, 2007

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