these may appear to be your average run-of-the-mill steel-toed booties.
and you may remember them from such trips as McAli takes Edmonton. but, sigh, you would be wrong to think that they are just any old protective footgear. oh no, these puppies were exactly 87 sizes too big for my wee feet and therefore had to be stuffed with buttloads of paper towels to attempt to make them stay on my feet.
which, of course, they didn’t.
so, I hobbled through the fruit and veggie plant like Quasimodo.
which somehow is a perfect segue into the things that are annoying me right now…
like when people leave their shopping carts in the middle of a parking spot. come on, people, how hard is it to take your cart back to the little cart corral. really?
and speaking of corrals…restaurants that have names like “Golden Corral”? um, WHAT? do you know what a corral is? aha! I will tell you if you do not:
-noun – an enclosure or pen for horses, cattle, etc.
who was the genius behind this? oh, Ted, I know! let’s call it the golden corral! maybe instead of tables we can make all the customers eat from troughs! and while we are on the topic of poorly named restaurants, can we talk about the poorly named DRESS BARN? because, I’m assuming that while you may have need a definition for corral, you most certainly do not need one for BARN. and I probably also don’t need to tell you that I bet it’s the same genius behind this one. oh, Ted, I know! let’s call it the Dress Barn! Both women AND livestock can come from far and near for some new duds!
and another thing that annoys me? when I cannot – for the life of me – figure out how to get an automatic faucet to go on. Seriously. I wave my hands sometimes for about ten minutes. I move up and down across the sensor; then right and left. before long I am dancing a little jig and I still have soaped up hands.
and another thing? People who cannot figure out how to use the self-checkout at the grocery store. (now, I realize that the people who can’t do self-checkout are sitting at home saying…”I am so annoyed by the people who can’t figure out how to turn on automatic faucets in public bathrooms”)
and people who say “irregardless”
and speed bumps
and people who chew really loudly
and when trashy shows like The Bachelorette start and I totally miss it.
and people who take things way too personally.
and super low low low jeans. I really don’t need to see YOUR ENTIRE THONG. thanks.
and most cats. and people who think that I want to hear about their cats.
and when I can’t tell if it’s Bono or Robin Williams.
and people who wear Ed Hardy.
and now that I’ve gotten that off of my chest, I’m off to go and hang out in London* with some lovely, lovely ladies.
*London, Ontario NOT London, England