I really want to thank you all for the kind words, comments, what’sapps, emails, coffee dates, phone calls, texts, DMs regarding my last post. I am most definitely not okay, but I am getting there. I know that I will be okay. I am surrounding myself with the good and the non-toxic (it’s not just for play-doh, you know!) right now and it is helping me more than you will ever know. Laugh through the tears—it’s a good way to be.
I finished reading The Light Between Oceans early last night. It took me a while to get into the book, but once my head and my heart were in it, I found myself prancing around my kitchen like a crazy person boiling the kids their pasta for dinner with my right hand whilst holding my ibooks version of the book in my left hand, desperately trying to finish the book before our evening plans to play Settlers of Catan with friends and eat copious amounts of pizza that most definitely did not have pineapple on it because pineapple belongs nowhere on any pizza ever ever.
I might not ever win at Catan, but I sure take the most interesting pictures of it.
Yes, I read while cooking. If you count boiling pasta as cooking. I did the same thing with the last few books I read—Once We Were Brothers and In the Garden of Beasts—mostly because they were the kind of books that I really just didn’t want to put down and I certainly didn’t want to push off until late in the evening because that’s when I have carved out time to re-watch The West Wing from the beginning because it’s that good and because a certain person who might be married to me has never seen it and since that’s pretty much a relationship dealbreaker, it has become a priority in my life.
Weird, my life.
If my kids walk away from their childhoods completely intact (right now I’m putting that at about a generous 50-50), they will likely spread that very fact about the mama—her life was weird.
I mean, today I have big plans.
The first is to google leprosy because, you guys, I swear to god I thought that leprosy was one of those things that only exists in the bible and/or children’s movies about vegetables. Honestly, I had no idea that leprosy was an actual real-life thing but every single morning when I turn the television on to listen to Kelly Ripa steal all of my material on Live with Kelly and Michael, I watch a commercial about a small child named Promila who no one wants to talk to on account of her leprosy. It’s a thing, you guys. Channel 8 is trying to make leprosy happen. Seriously, though, just listen to Kelly talk about her daughter and their fight about leggings not being pants and her bits on the cell phones for children and the flu epidemic and bangs and just try to convince me that she doesn’t read my blog.
Next thing you’ll know she’ll start discussing Veggie Tales.
The second is to haul my behind all the way downtown for an audition. An audition that is not for Emily, but for me. Yes. ME. I’m not really even sure how it happened. But I am over-the-moon excited to just even have the opportunity and to get a taste of what it’s actually like to go into an audition instead of sitting outside as the stage mom. I will be leaving myself plenty of extra time today too, unlike the last audition we went to because due to two bus accidents that night—no joke, two—we arrived with exactly three minutes to spare and then had to run up three flights of stairs and even though I’m in the best shape of my life and you would be shocked by how many push ups I can do these days and you would marvel at these lovely new muscles that keep popping up all over my person, I was winded when we walked into that audition.
So this morning I likely have to practice being myself—although I’m sure there’s absolutely no casting director anywhere who wants to hear me singing poorly while I dance poorly with no pants on while I stress about being early.
So, how do I properly practice being me, you ask? Well, I guess it entails watching some more Live with Kelly and Michael.
Weird, my life.
But it’s the good kind of weird.
The best kind, really.