(thanks, guys. this was THE best gift ever!)
note to self. must stop dreaming about Johnny Knoxville. yes, THOSE kind of dreams. have you seen the Jackass sketch called, “The Omelet” ? just knowing a sketch like this exists should completely turn me off of JK.
(those with weak stomachs need not read this paragraph. i’m not sure who it is…Ryan? Ehren? one of the guys stands with a frying pan and ingredients. proceeds to eat. cheese. peppers. tomatoes. onions. eggs. more eggs. butter. then proceeds to vomit it all up. then proceeds to fry it. then EATS it. while Johnny K stands by in a biohazard suit. ew)
seen in my office yesterday: woman in crocs. with socks. and capris. wtf?
heard in my house yesterday: “Give me a juicebox, Beeyotch!”
…apparently, this is from the movie Zathura, which i rather liked. until my son started walking around saying beeyotch.
done in my house yesterday: pilates. i’m back on a pilates kick. i’m a big fan of Mari Winsor (even though it bugs the crap out of me that while i’m on my ass working my powerhouse, she’s just standing there. damnit, she should be down on the floor doing ‘her favorites’ the TEASERS).