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I don’t often let my children bake with me. Truth be told, it ends being up a lot more work that I originally anticipate and then I get frustrated and they get frustrated and really they don’t actually want to participate…they just really want to lick the spoons/bowl/beater/spatulas. But occasionally, I forget. And it will be a quiet weekend around our house and I will be craving something really bad and then I will decide that I absolutely need to have cinnamon buns right that very second or the whole world is going to come to and end and we must not let that happen so we better make sure we have some yeast and get to the store to stock up on cream cheese and haul out the kitchen aid mixer because the Martells are going to town!!!
So, by the time we were finished with them, um, possibly four-hour process, we were all covered in flour. In fact, I am pretty sure the entire kitchen was covered in flour. There were hours worth of dishes piled up in the sink. There was screaming and yelling and fighting and kicking and crying (I was doing most of the crying. Heh)
but the end product…oh my god, you guys, the end product! It was amazing and ooey and gooey and ohsoworthit.
Baking with your kids is like labor. They purposely make the food so delicious in the end that you forget how painful the process can be…and when you have a hankering for something delicious, you let the kids join in. And they love it. And truthfully, you kind of love it too.
So, hey, want to win a $100 VISA gift card? Leave a comment (by 10pm EST on Monday night, October 4th) and tell me what you make that is OHSOWORTHIT.  Or, if you don’t bake…what you buy that is OHSOWORTHIT. For an extra entry you can tweet about this contest and then come back here and link to your tweet!
Be sure to check out the Kellogg exclusive offers page for 24 more chances to win $100. TWENTY FOUR!
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For more information about the Love Your Cereal program, click here.
Mom’s Breakfast Club was started to help educate moms and families about kids’ cereal and share the scoop on their nutritional benefits and ingredients. To learn more about the program, visit