Me: There is a lot of nervous energy in this house right now. Him: Uh, really, Ali. I don’t think so. Everyone actually seems kind of normal. Me: WELL, I have 7.5 million things to make happen before we leave here. Josh’s shoes aren’t even packed yet and seriously, what…
I was scrolling through my Facebook feed and just past the awesome shared videos, photos, and annoying someecards, something caught my eye. It said —and I’m paraphrasing here, because through my weepy face it was a little bit hard to make out each and every word and sadly, who had…
August 9, 2012 – 10:01 am
Emily is back from camp. Her bags are unpacked, her feet are clean—finally. She is already missing camp. My life is essentially like that episode of Full House when DJ and Stephanie come home from Camp Lakota with inside jokes and stories and weird songs and they only wanted to…