Me: There is a lot of nervous energy in this house right now.
Him: Uh, really, Ali. I don’t think so. Everyone actually seems kind of normal.
Me: WELL, I have 7.5 million things to make happen before we leave here. Josh’s shoes aren’t even packed yet and seriously, what shoes do boys need in camp anyway? I need more ziplocks because the last thing I need is Josh’s one bottle of Axe 3-in-1 shampoo, conditioner, and body wash spilling all over his carefully folded sets of pajamas!! They need snacks for the bus. We still need to get them US stamps so they can send mail from the US to Canada—seriously why can we not buy those in Canada. I still have to write a sponsored post! Also, hold the phone, I’m going to be riding a llama in Virginia this week? What exactly does one wear to hang with llamas? And stationary!! They still don’t have stationary. What kind of stationary do boys use anyway? Can’t we just send him with a notebook and some envelopes? I can’t get this giant ball of 11 necklaces separated and I need exactly one of these to wear with that blue dress I bought when we go to the White House and that reminds me, I need to ask Jen how one travels with necklaces anyway. ALSO! Gah! I still have to do a load of laundry—they need more socks! And I totally forgot to get that book that Josh asked me to get for him so I guess I’ll be stopping at Indigo after all…Also can we talk about the llama for a second again? Do I need to wear special shoes? Do the kids have enough bathing suits?
Him: I lied. There might be one person in this house with a wee bit of nervous energy.
{insert obscene finger gesture}
Him: You are really going to miss your babies.
Me: I am really going to miss my babies.