Tag Archives: Isabella

Where I Have Been, What I Have Done

We pulled into our driveway, we were a motley crew indeed. A tired dad, a coughing mom, an only child, an orange fair bear, an Irish lad, a space bear, and a whalethatmightbeadolphin. All properly belted, of course. It was a long trip, but we were glad to be home….

It was 2013. And it was Maroon 5.

It was 1990. And it was New Kids on the Block. I will never forget it as long as I live. I wore a pair of black leggings and a massive black and white houndstooth tunic sweater and hi-top Converse all-stars. And my Debbie Gibson/Joey Jeremiah hat over a really…

And So It Begins—An American Girl Adventure. HOLD ME

Every year when I ask the kids what they’d like to put on their Chrismukah wishlists, I am mostly unsurprised by their answers. Emily’s wish list includes at least three pairs of black boots “I mean, they are for different things, Mama. I need Orphan Annie black lace-up boots, combat…