***just a note, her birthday was actually on March 8th. As usual, i’m a little behind schedule :)***
six years ago my baby girl made her entrance into this world. five days late. and after 23 hours of labor. even then, she had a mind of her own. and was difficult. she didn’t drop. she was posterior. they vacuumed her and forcepted her. i should have known then that this child was bound to be high-maintenance.
and she is. but she’s also incredibly bright. and funny. and talented. She’s gotten to this age where she’s fun to hang out with. we watch Hannah Montana together and paint our nails and talk about clothes and make jokes about Daddy’s burps and farts. but it’s still early enough that she thinks the world of me. she thinks i’m the prettiest girl in the world (well, the second. she’s the first, of course). and she hasn’t realized that i can’t dance or sing for crap.
she’s convinced she’s going to be a rockstar when she grows up and shows off her moves to anyone who will watch (and if no one will, the mirror will suffice). she can tap-dance like no one’s business. she’s an expert lite-brighter. and she’s become quite the little reader. i love going out with her and seeing the cogs in her brain work as she reads all the signs and labels. it’s an amazing time in her life. and i’m so glad to be a part of it.
“Mommy, are you going to put that on your blaaaaawwwwg?” how on earth she knows i have a blog, i have no idea…but, yes, sweetie, these pictures of you are going on my blog. so there. neener neener to you.
happy birthday emmaloops, amabama, emma, stinky britches. i love you.