Adina and Manny came over on Saturday night tp play our new game. it was good times, i tell you, and not only because i won (although that was a nice perk…especially after losing to the husband at scattergories last week…).
i’m pretty sure that i just got lucky. one of my questions – for a piece – was “what does the O.C. stand for on the popular tv show?” Adina was NOT happy.
at one point we were discussing Colonel Sanders. i’m not even sure why. and we were talking about him being a staple of the south.
someone said, “well, at least we know he’s from Kentucky.”
so i said, “how do you know that?”
all three of them looked at me in complete disbelief and began laughing uncontrollably.
“Um…Ali…KENTUCKY fried chicken.”
i about died.
i’m highly embarrassed.
and i totally 100% got robbed on a question. it was, “what is snapple’s catchphrase?” i choked and said, “um..the best stuff on earth?” the answer is, “Made from the best stuff on earth.” and they didn’t give it to me!!!! (even though adina had the question…”What eric clapton classic begins with him saying ‘see if you can spot this one’?”…and the husband went on to sing the intro. which gave her the answer.) cheap, i tell you. but, then again, i wouldn’t have given the snapple question to anyone else…