…apparently pink is the new blue.
I’m not 100% sold on this new trend, but it’s beginning to grow on me. I have always associated pink with being feminine.
In an article written by Anna Smyth, she says, “The pink shirt exudes confidence. The man who wears it successfully does so with no insecurities whatsoever about the chosen “feminine” colour. Take a look at the shirts worn by the most powerful chief executives and banking hot-shots, and you will see an above-average proportion of pink choices. There is no hint of weakness or self-consciousness, this man is so comfortable with himself that he does not have to worry about ridiculous whispers. This confidence, however, must not tipple over into arrogance or cockiness. There is nothing attractive about a man who knows he’s “hot stuff”. Pink symbolises sensitivity – it is for the Boardroom Boss who rushes home from the office to bath his children. Or the boyfriend who massages his other half’s feet when she’s had a bad day. Always an absolute winner. ”

- 01.11 The Steps at Versailles
- 12.17 Bad Stories.
- 01.28 A Check In
- 06.17 The Graduate
- 03.17 BonkersLand