Okay…so, my ultrasound is scheduled for March 14th.
And the question on the table is…do we or don’t we find out the sex?
we didn’t find out with the boy or the girl, but this time around i’m really anxious to know. after all, i’ve already had the “it’s a girl” surprise and the “it’s a boy” surprise…so why not have the ultrasound surprise??
today i’m having fun with gender predictors.
according to chinesefortunecalendar.com, i’m having a BOY.
according to the labor of love chinese lunar calendar, i’m having a GIRL.
according to motherhood.com, i’m having a GIRL.
According to the Old Wives Tale test #1, i have an 80% chance of having a GIRL.
and according to the Old Wives Tale test #2, i have a 67% chance of having a GIRL.
what do ya’ll think i’m having??
to be honest, the husband and i will be happy with whatever i have. my daughter, on the other hand, would be thrilled to have a sister. she’s already told several of our friends that she’s “done with brothers” and that she’s planning to throw it in the garbage if it’s a boy. fabulous. just fabulous.