June 11 06

this morning my daughter ate a cream cheese sandwich.
an entire cream cheese sandwich.
i don’t know whether to cry because, mommy, baby food in a jar, is like, so last month.
or to celebrate because my other two children don’t.do.sandwiches.
sure they like toppings just fine. cream cheese, peanut butter what have you. but, as soon as it’s sandwiched between two slices of bread, it doesn’t get eaten. or it gets licked out. seriously. crackers. fine. rice cakes. fine. but bread? um, no, not going to happen. i wish i had their restraint when it comes to bread. i could eat an entire loaf in a sitting.
but my porky Bella, she’s of an entirely different breed, it seems.
if it’s edible, or even if it’s not edible, she’ll have it.
if it’s not related to baby food in any shape or form, she’s all over it. like a cheap suit.
i must admit. baby food? easy. a meal in less than thirty seconds (would be less but i can never fucking open those baby food jars on the first try). you know EXACTLY how much your child is eating. takes zero creativity.
now? i have to think at every meal. what can i feed her? what might she like? what won’t she choke on? oh yeah…and there’s all the things she can’t have….honey, fish, egg whites (or is it yolks…who can remember these things), tomatoes (someone said no tomatoes…but i think we passed this since she’s eating pizza and meat sauce on a regular basis…). it’s all so complicated.
also? we still don’t have any teeth.
are there foods that can’t be eaten without teeth? everyone always makes the steak/teeth comments (usually old men. it’s a staple “oh, just wait until she has teeth, she’ll be eating steak in no time!”) can i not give her steak? surely, she can gum it until she swallows, no?


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