Josh is sandwiched between two sisters with attention-seeking behavior.
He has never been the LOOKATME! type, opting to have simple requests in life. It’s easy to give him a happy birthday. All it takes is a little sushi, a family game night, a trip to the bookstore, a little football, a sleep-in, and some mint chocolate chip.
That’s his perfect day.
I can’t help but wonder if I could create the perfect day for myself what it would entail.
I can tell you what it would NOT entail, of course. That’s easy. It would not involve the following things: watching magic shows no matter how cute the magician is, participating in magic shows, locating missing reading logs, signing reading logs, 7th grade math word problems, watching Zookeeper, curling someone else’s hair, watching other people eat mint chocolate chip ice cream cake that I can’t eat because Baskin Robbins isn’t nut-free, putting away folded laundry, packing lunches, season 3 of Homeland.
I would wake up without the sound of an alarm. I would take a shower and NOT have a single person ask me for a single thing while I am in there. I would have brunch with all of my family and friends on patio someplace warm and sunny. I would spend time in a bookstore, judging books by their covers. I would relax with a cozy blanket, a peppermint-flavored coffee, and a good book. I would photograph my kids (and yours and yours…and maybe yours too) in the lovely fall foliage and no one would protest. I would eat an entire giant cookie cake by myself and then spend unlimited funds in anthropologie and J.Crew. I would have drinks at a bar in Ireland with my better half and listen to a lovely accented man sing Irish songs. I would see a movie and eat copious amounts of movie popcorn. I would sit and write and write and edit photos and write and then write some more, uninterrupted, and to the tunes of my favorite indie folk bands, whilst drinking a lovely tea. I would go for a bike ride. I would play Settlers of Catan with my siblings. I would fall asleep binge-watching Mad Men or The Wire.
I guess I’m part of the way there.
What about you? What would your perfect day look like?