June 14 06

look at what i can do, Mama!! great.

June 13 06

i’ve been seeing them everywhere. white eyelet. shirts. skirts. what have you. i have this bizzaro love for eyelet fabric, and it stems all the way back to my childhood. my bedding growing up was white eyelet. so, you can see how it’s somewhat nostalgic for me. and now it’s…

June 12 06

yes, folks, it’s back. and it’s better than ever. notable notables: ~~Ari at the “gym”- priceless. ~~The glass bowl full of quarters for the parking meter. i love Lloyd. LOVED his “Your finger?” comment. ~~Mrs. Ari. love her. ~~James Woods. he’s fuckin’ hilarious. ~~jury’s still out on Vince’s hair. i’ll…