July 18 06

so, it seems that taking an advanced step and abs class when it’s 99 degrees outside, when you haven’t had enough to drink and there was something wrong with the air conditioning in the gym, is not the best idea. it ended badly. i won’t get into specifics…but it involved…

July 17 06

it’s very rare for me to pick up a book, start reading it, and just not be able to finish it. The English Patient. couldn’t get through. i’d find myself reading and rereading and rereading the same pages. The Alphabet Sisters. HATED it. i kept reading and thought it was…

July 14 06

Feast One Hundred & Two Appetizer Name one thing nice that you could do for someone else today. i am helping my friend Ilana with her fundraiser…so when i went to the employee store (yes, I got in this week and didn’t get kicked out…it helps that i came to…