March 14 05

first of all, why on earth do they make you drink all that water???
my requistion form said to drink 2 liters of water. 2 liters??? WTF? that’s 4 bottle of water! so, i figured i’m half the size of most people, i can drink half that. so i forced myself to drink 2 bottles of water.

but, when i got up on the table, the first thing out of the technician’s nouth was “Go to the bathroom and pee out three cups.” um, yeah, so why exactly did i have to drink the water in the first place??

i guess i wasn’t all that upset, since i was only too relieved to visit the bathroom…

Everything’s perfect with our little bunny. it has a small head and my nose (at least that’s what the technician said…) and is just perfect. ten fingers. ten toes. to me, the pictures look exactly like my other two kids’ ultrasounds…and pretty much just about every ultrasound picture of anyone’s baby…they all pretty much look the same. but, i still cried a little bit.

i’ll post my picture tomororow.


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