I am having zero luck with coffee today.
This morning, I had a long fight with the wall hairdryer in my hotel room—oh it was a fight that I lost badly, resulting in a lovely hairstyle that looked a bit like a cross between a drunk Russell Crowe as a drunker Aldous Snow and a 1986 Jon Bon Jovi which, as you can imagine, was not my best look. I really should have learned my lesson when I was in Dublin and used the wall hairdryer that was called the Shaver 2000. I should have learned…I didn’t.
So, I opted to live with the hair (yay Goody hair clips and bobby pins) and grab a coffee down the street at a local cafe.
The man who served me the coffee was just the loveliest old man ever, and the cafe felt exactly like Cheers, only with a little less beer and Ted Danson. I walked in everyone was all, “GOOD MORNING!” as if I was Norm Peterson. The coffee, though, was mostly crap.
(Caffeine in the am > friendly coffee makers.)
I am currently sitting in the airport waiting for my flight home to Toronto after my way, way too short trip to PEI to have lunch with the wonderful Chef Michael Smith at his home and test kitchen in Fortune, nursing a really mediocre coffee that was made for me by the friendliest airport employee ever.
(Caffeine in the pm > friendly coffee makers.)
So, the moral of the story is that PEI is short on delicious coffee today, but not really short on anything else.
I think I see a giant plane nap in my future.
Bring on the drool and head bobbing. Excellent.