August 18 04

I will never again have to hear the word Habibi come out of Mirna’s mouth, now that she and her cousin Charla have been Philiminated in what might have been the most emotional elimination ever (Phil was crying…wuss).

Oh my lordy, I swear I wanted to punch her in the face every time I heard her say Habibi. I definitely didn’t want them to win – Mirna was super annoying. But they certainly made for good tv. I loved watching Colin and Mirna bicker back and forth. It was great. All the exciting teams to watch are always eliminated. I couldn’t stand Allison and Donny, but they were fantastic to watch.

Charla and Mirna were all about the hypocrisy. They played both cards – one minute they are all about the “I may be little, but I can do anything” (and I am not doubting that she can – when she carried that Flinstone-sized meat because whino Mirna was too weak to do it…I was impressed) and the next minute they are all “help me…i’m small and I can’t carry my luggage…get me on a flight first because i’m small…” They used the fact that she has a form of dwarfism when it suited them.

other thoughts….”I want ten dollars” – that cracked me up! How was it that the second group ended up paying $110 for the bus while the other two paid 5 dollars and 3 dollars, respectively??!! And which bonehead twin said that she was thankful that she had Brandon around to be the man??!! Yeah, he really saved the day there.

go Chip and Kim!!!

**I realize they only had to eat the equivalent of 12 eggs, but I was quoting Cool Hand Luke :)I guess Ethan Hawke did it much better than I in Reality Bites. He was hotter. and greasier.

  1. which movie?
    1) – “Et maintenant, would monsieur care for an aperitif, or would he prefer to order straightaway? Today, we have for appetizers – excuse me – uh, moules marinieres, pate de foie gras, beluga caviar, eggs Benedictine, tarte de poireaux – that’s leek tart – frogs legs amandine or oefs de caille Richard Shepherd – Ce’et a dire, little quails’ eggs on a bed of pureed mushrooms. It’s very delicate, very succulent.
    – “I’ll have the lot.”

    2) “Wake-y wake-y, eggs and bac-y.”

    3) – “If you close your eyes, it almost feels like you’re eating runny eggs.”
    – “Yeah, or a bowl of snot.”

    4) “Let’s start with an omelet. Use two eggs, not three. Some like to add milk for density. This is a mistake.”

    5) – “Bob is dead, they shot him in the head!”
    – “You wanna make an omelet, you gotta break some eggs.”

    Comment by Giblet on August 19, 2004
  2. 1) it’s got to be Monty Python…just from the “i’ll take the lot.” only brits say that.

    2)no clue


    4)?? I’m starting to feel off my game a little bit…

    5)Fight Club

    Comment by Ali on August 19, 2004
  3. 4 is from Deep Blue Sea the shark movie – it’s the chef making a home video for his son. It’s Ice T, or LL Cool J, or Ice Cube or one of those rapper/actors.

    Comment by Giblet on August 20, 2004
  4. what about #2 – did i get the others right?

    there’s no way you knew a quote from Deep Blue Sea from memory. now i don’t feel bad for not knowing these.

    i can beat you in a movie quote game any day of the week and twice on thursdays.

    Comment by Ali on August 20, 2004
  5. I’ve been blog window shopping today and yours is very funny so it caught my attention.
    #2 has to be Jay – Clerks, Mallrats, Dogma — who knows which movie exactly…

    Comment by chisparoja on October 15, 2004
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