So, we went to Wonderland – WITHOUT KIDS – last night and actually got to enjoy the park like normal people. I swear it’s been at least 5 years since I’ve been on a rollercoaster, so, of course, i was apprehensive before going on. I actually wasn’t scared of the ride, i was scared of the possibility of puking or someone near me puking.
During the first ride, Top Gun, I thought i was going to die. I kept my eyes tighly shut and held on for dear life. But, by the end of ride, I was totally excited and into it. I was reliving my youth. We went on a whole bunch of rollercoasters – Vortex, Dragon Fire, Minebuster, Wild Beast…there were some others too.
And then Michelle convinced me to go on the trampolines. Little did we know that they were going to weigh us – not once, but twice – before going on. For the record – – – their scales are wrong. the first scale weighed me about 10 pounds too high and the second weighed me about 14…so, Canada’s Wonderland – – – you officially SUCK! So, despite the weighing-in stress (which i haven’t been stressed out about since my OB visits when i was preggers with Josh), the uncomfortable harness that accentuated my booty, and the fact that i couldn’t get my legs over my head to flip even though the four-year-old next to me had no problem doing it, it was a blast!
And we thought we were in the clear – we managed to go to Wonderland without Emily finding out. Until Gav woke up this morning with a spongebob squarepants stamp on his cheek. He must have slept with his hand touching his face, because there it was this morning, clear as day…..Daddy had been to Wonderland (or wonders-land as she likes to call it).