August 14 09

There is this painting in my mom’s house. It is painted by Edna Hibel. It is of two adults and two children, both girls. I assumed, always, growing up, that this painting was of my mom and dad and me and my sister. I couldn’t understand why my mother continued to keep it hanging on the wall after she and my dad divorced. Obviously, I never asked her about it. The first time the husband came to visit me at my mom’s house, while he was still merely the boyfriend, he took one look at the painting and said, “why does your mom have a painting of Richard Gere in her house?” WHAT? Richard Gere?!?! No way, I set him straight, that was my dad. and my mom. and me. and my sister.

which of course, led to years and years of laughter at my expense. and led to an interesting conversation this week. We had discovered another Hibel, but this time it was at my dad’s house.


“Hey, Ali, is your dad in this one too?”

“No, husband, my dad isn’t in this one. and either is Richard Gere. This time it’s John Travolta.”


“Come on, you don’t see it?”




“Apparently, Miss Edna Hibel was a, you know, star fucker…”

“I LOVE it!”

  1. I thought that was a girl.

    Comment by Kristabella on August 14, 2009
  2. It IS a girl, I think…
    and that makes it even funnier.

    but maybe only to me. hmph.

    Comment by ali on August 14, 2009
  3. It looks like Laura Ingalls Wilder might be in there too. 🙂 Edna really got around.

    Comment by alison on August 14, 2009
  4. I can see the resemblance.

    Comment by C @ Kid Things on August 14, 2009
  5. LOL. Laura Ingalls Wilder. I forgot what I was gonna say now!

    Oh yes. Childhood is not complete without these “little” mistakes that haunt you for the rest of your life.
    .-= loren´s last blog ..Wastin’ away again in Beer Margaritaville =-.

    Comment by loren on August 14, 2009
  6. Artists are such whores.

    Comment by Avitable on August 14, 2009
  7. That’s awesome. We need a photo of the Richard Gere as your father one though.

    Comment by SciFi Dad on August 14, 2009

    Comment by Angella on August 14, 2009
  9. Oh my. Apparently, Miss Edna not only loves them famous, and possibly also VERY young! lol

    Comment by Nenette on August 14, 2009
  10. Cr-eepy!

    Comment by MonsteRawr on August 14, 2009
  11. Find one with a Jesus resemblance and it will be a miracle you can sell on eBay. Like toast.

    Comment by Hockeyman on August 14, 2009
  12. So – your dad looks like Richard Gere, then?

    Comment by Miss Britt on August 15, 2009
  13. HAHA! So funny. Saw it right away.

    Comment by Marjorie on August 16, 2009
  14. The eyes, the lips, there is no denying it. Hilarious.

    Comment by katie ~ motherbumper on August 16, 2009
  15. That is TOTALLY Travolta. I noticed it right off.

    Comment by mamatulip on August 17, 2009

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