There’s a tremendous amount of girl screaming coming from somewhere outside of my closed bedroom door. I think it’s maniacal laughter, actually, but I can’t be one hundred percent sure because it’s coming from at least one floor below me. So, it could be fighting yelling, but I don’t really have the desire to find out what the voice is about because it’s Thursday night of March Break. My children have been off since last Thursday at 3:15 and while most of their friends are off vacationing somewhere warm and sunny where they are doing lovely things in bathing suits and tans or they are off somewhere cold and white doing exciting things with skis and hot chocolate (at least according to their enviable instagram feeds), my children are home, staycationing in their pajamas and going on a missing flat iron hunt for a crisp $10 prize.
On normal work weeks, I work from my home office two days and in my office cubicle for three, but this week I opted for more hours at home, because I didn’t like the idea of my kids spending six full days on the couch eating nothing but chocolate Trix (oh it’s a thing) and Wacky Mac. So instead, they have spent their days on the couch eating nothing but chocolate Trix and Wacky Mac but I have been sitting next to them with one laptop on my lap, one on my right, and a tablet to my left.
Oh, but there were some highlights!
We went on exciting lunch-hour adventures to the nearly closed Canadian Target, where there are people fighting over odd pieces of furniture and fully empty cosmetics shelves.
We bought four things, and one of them was gum, which I’m pretty sure was the only thing not on sale right now. But at least my breath is fresh. I sent the kids to the park in their parkas. (Ha, that’s funny) We went to get the mail. And we have big plans for tomorrow that involve arts and crafts made out of the single socks that will never find matches and fairy shrinky dinks. We might also make roasted chick peas and play Settlers of Catan because we dream big around here.
And for the record, I told them they could wear their bathing suits if they wanted, so.
I am an embarrassing March Break failure, but to be fair, the reason I had to work through the entire thing is because at the beginning of April we’ll be hitting the road for a (skipping school) week-long Passover roadtrip to mom’s house so I don’t have to stress about making Passover we can spend some quality time with my family (and Stonewall Jackson) in the haunted house in Lexington, Virginia. So don’t feel too, too bad for my bored, screaming children.
Let’s hope they are yelling because they finally found my flat iron.