Oh, how my What Would Betty Draper Do sure was tested tonight.
I gave one of my children my key fob to grab something from the Jeep. And then, in the kerfuffle of it all, I never asked for the keys back, I never thought about the keys at all. Until it was time to leave.
And there I was, tired and hungry, standing in the middle of a parking lot with three tired and hungry kids, participating in an Ally Sheedy in The Breakfast Club purse dump.
There was a heck of a lot of crap in there, but no keys. Of course.
I *did* find my missing Menchie’s card, though — the one with $15 on it.
What happened next was kind of a blur.
I panicked, I paced, I got scared, I got angry, I got worried, I got sad.
I cried.
And then I laughed.
Like the kind of infectious laughing that comes out of nowhere and seems almost inappropriate, like what might happen during a speech or a funeral.
I started laughing and hugging my kids and reminding them that I wasn’t actually upset at all and this is something that would make a hilarious story and hey let’s go to Menchie’s for dinner.
We found them in the trunk.
We found a way to get them out of the trunk with a combination of hope and ingenuity.
We found our way to Menchie’s.
And it does make a pretty hilarious story.