January 6 05

i’m sitting in my warm office right now…thinking about the inches of snow that are building up outside…not daring to think about how i’m going to get home…i’ve got 5 snow-themed movie quotes for you!

“I like to mash snow. It gives me a tremendous feeling of self satisfaction.”

“This is pure snow! Do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is?”

“We can’t just throw him out in the snow.”
“Why not? He loves the snow. He’s told me 15 times.”

“I’m a snow beast!”

“January 12, 1965. Very snowy that day. 12.2 inches of snow that day.”

good luck!

  1. 1. no idea
    2. no idea
    3. elf – i only got this b/c i just saw this movie
    4. no idea – looked it up and i don’t know… seems like a tricky one to me… 🙂
    5. has to be rain man…

    Comment by chisparoja on January 6, 2005
  2. you got 3 and 5….and as for #4 being tricky…it wasn’t easy coming up with good snow quotes!!

    Comment by Ali on January 6, 2005
  3. the first one is natalie portman in that movie she’s awesome in. With Rosie O’fattie.
    Good Girls. Or Bag Girls. Or something.

    Comment by Giblet on January 6, 2005
  4. The first would be Natalie Portman in “Beautiful Girls”.

    The second is from John Cusack’s weird friend in “Better Off Dead”.

    I wouldn’t have gotten 3 or 4. 5, yeah.

    Comment by Sean on January 6, 2005
  5. since no one’s going to get #4 – it’s from My Big Fat Greek Wedding, and was actually quite funny….it was when she put on her wedding dress. hee.

    Comment by Ali on January 7, 2005

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