Monthly Archives: April 2015

On Beauty And Rising Tides

There’s a lot of chatter right now about beauty. Mostly, it’s about two doors. Will you go through the beautiful door or will you go through the average door? As with most things on the internet, there are writers who are loving Dove’s newest campaign, they are finding it inspiring, powerful….


My mom was born in a DP camp in Austria in April of 1949. This fact is something that I have known all my life, since it was required information for every elementary school family tree project I ever turned in in the 1980s. Born in Austria, came over to…

When I Like Something, I All-Caps Like It

So here’s a fun fact about me: I have a little bit of what you’d call An Obsessive Personality. When I like something, I all-caps like something. I am all in, you could say. I am the reason that Netflix was invested. If I like the tv show, I’ll not…