Monthly Archives: April 2015

The Hospital Waiting Room Emergency Kit

In October of 2010, my dad had a heart attack. My siblings and I spent many, many hours sitting on the floor in hospital rooms and on chairs in waiting rooms. We waited and worried, and worried and waited. We listened to big words we didn’t understand, and we sat…

My Favorite Day

Today, a SOLD sign went up on a lovely red-bricked house that was purchased this past Thursday evening. Mine.  It’s truly a miracle that on July 31st, our family will be moving into this lovely not-in-need-of-any-work home, beginning an awfully big adventure, filled with many changes. {A miracle, yes, but…

A Stars Hollow Of My Very Own

We live in the suburbs. It’s what I know; it’s how I grew up, I just traded a midwestern one for a Canadian one. Emily is currently working on her final 8th grade Geography project — it’s worth, like, 85% of her mark or equally obscene and she has been…