Monthly Archives: September 2011

Pride. I Have It. And So We Eat Frozen Yogurt.

Last night after dinner we had celebratory Menchie’s. There was no way around it, really, as we now have a President in our midst. Yes. That’s right. She decided—about 10 years ago—that she would run for student government. She was born into this, it’s not really her fault. Her Zaydie,…

Oh, Fall. You Have Already Broken Me.

This is a story about self control. And how I have none. Every morning I go to the exact same Tim Hortons and order the exact same thing—large coffee with milk and splenda. The ladies who work in the Queen and Yonge street location know me by name and have…

A Tale of Bad Business. Also, I Lie to You. Twice.

My day starts at 5:45. In the morning. I race through my morning routine. Join the rat race through the underbelly of Toronto. I work a full day. I join the rat race home. I eat dinner with my family. I do supervise three sets of nightly homework. I watch…